Celtura is a smartphone app prototype created to improve cultural literacy among the general public. Originally designed to be a quick lookup system for culturally relevant people, places, events, and things, Celtura also hopes to help establish a "baseline" of common cultural literacy. By providing the user with a daily fact, reference, or piece of cultural information, the user is sure to learn something new each day he or she uses the app. Quizzes allow the user to learn more about diverse subjects while accessing a friendly competitive nature. The archives supply the user with information in a variety of forms, including a short summary and a longer, more in depth explanation of a topic.

Below are several examples of sequences of the app in use.

opening screens
[special_heading title_align= "center" title_content= "" h_tag= "h5" title_color= "" separator_style= "0" icon_name= "" icon_color= "#f43fac" separator_color= "#e8e8e8" separator_thickness= "2" separator_width= "400" animation_type= "none"][/special_heading]